Wednesday 8 October 2008

Hi everyone

These are my first real attempts at proper photography, and by that I mean not just snapping away and not thinking about what I am doing. The course I am working on is a free course to see if this is something that I am going to be able to stick at and hopefully get better at. Please post your opinions and thoughts for all are welcome.

Enjoy the photos!!

Rob :o)


Jo said...

I think these pictures are Ace!!

Glen said...

great pictures mate, love the old leather chair you got great lighting

Emma Loudon said...

I am really impressed with what you have done and said about your work as you are just starting out. It is interesting how your personality is coming through your work. I think that you have a good eye for detail. The last one works least well for me as I feel that the pillow and the bear are too similar forms...something to contrast the soft may work better? (sorry the teacher in me coming out!!). But all of the others have something really strong about the work. Memories, worn, humor, story.
tis FAB! X Please can you show me how to do this stuff? KEEP going think you can do well at this.

Robert Bruchez-Corbett said...


Yeah I am happy so far with what I have done but wanna get better so thanks for the help emma! I made the pic's bigger so you can see them better too.

rob :o)

Glen said...

try using the slow shutter speed at night on moving cars. I got some great shots with just the lights of the car ;o)

Winters night

Winters night
A magical winters night captured by this wonderfull glowing lighting

By amazing wife!

By amazing wife!
My incredable wife cooking up a baby for us!